Graduate School
Ph.D. Statistics, University of Connecticut, 2017
M.S. Statistics, University of Science and Technology of China, 2013
Postdoctoral Education
Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Informatics, University of Pennsylvania, 2018-2021
Dr. Luo’s research interests focus on statistical methodology on data integration, including multi-view data integration, meta-analysis and privacy-preserving distributed learning. The developed methodologies have found applications in analyses using large-scale EHR databases and clinical research networks such as OHDSI and PCORnet. He is also interested in collaborative researches related to cancer, vaccine and pharmacovigilance, and mental health.
Contact Information
660 S. Euclid Ave.
Campus Box 8109 94 02
St. Louis MO 63110