Learn more about prostate cancer types, symptoms and treatment from Washington University surgeons at Siteman Cancer Center.
What You Need to Know About Prostate Cancer

Learn more about prostate cancer types, symptoms and treatment from Washington University surgeons at Siteman Cancer Center.
Learn more about the up-to-date screening guidelines and tests for eligible patients at risk of colorectal cancer.
Screening guidelines updated in 2021 nearly double the number of eligible individuals.
Breast cancer screening is necessary to detect this condition early enough to have an effective treatment program. Research by investigators at Washington University indicate that patients who hear conflicting information about screening are still interested in attending screening.
Cancer staging is an essential step in the cancer treatment process. When a patient is diagnosed with cancer, staging tests indicate the extent and progress of cancer. Knowing this information assists physicians in deciding treatment options and can also predict health outcomes for the patient.
Colorectal cancer is a type of cancer that develops in the lower intestine, either the colon or rectum, and causes symptoms such as bowel movement changes, pain and weight loss as it progresses. It is a common cancer that is often detected through regular screening and requires physician diagnosis from specific tests. Colorectal cancer is preventable, treatable and curable through surgical and radiation treatments. Washington University School of Medicine and Siteman Cancer Center provide patients with screening, diagnoses and treatment options.
Lung surgeon Benjamin Kozower, MD, MPH, explains new lung cancer screening guidelines from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.