Will Gerull, MD, selected for competitive grant to pursue research on surgical simulation and education as incoming WISE fellow.
WISE Education Fellow Gerull Awarded Intuitive Surgical Grant

Will Gerull, MD, selected for competitive grant to pursue research on surgical simulation and education as incoming WISE fellow.
Minimally invasive bariatric surgeon reaches personal milestone and continues life-changing surgical work at Washington University.
Research by Washington University hernia surgeons finds a durable solution for treating complex recurrent ventral hernias. The findings are published in the journal Surgery.
General surgery residents at the Washington University Institute for Surgical Education get hands-on experience with the latest innovations in surgical technology during an introduction to robotic surgery training course.
Washington University urologic surgeons embrace leading-edge robotic techniques to advance clinical care.
Inaugural Simulation and Education Fellow Eileen Smith, MD, presents research at Surgical Simulation Summit.
The Department of Surgery 2020 Annual Report features clinical, research and educational accomplishments from the Section of Transplant Surgery.
In addition to providing care on the Medical Campus, Washington University surgeons extend patient care to community practice across the St. Louis region at locations including Christian Hospital and Alton Memorial Hospital.
The Department of Surgery 2020 Annual Report features clinical, research and educational accomplishments from the Division of Urologic Surgery.
A new study from the Department of Surgery shows that the use of robotics for weight loss surgery has increased in recent years. Bariatric surgeons and public health scientists examine this rise and what it might mean for the future of weight loss surgery.
Bariatric surgeon Francesca Dimou, MD, MS, helps people achieve their goals with weight loss surgery. Dimou describes the transformative process, offers advice and shares the story of her surgical training.
Bariatric surgeon Francesca Dimou, MD, answers some of the most frequently asked questions about robotic weight loss surgery.
Transplant and hepatobiliary surgeon Adeel Khan discusses the growth of the Robotic Transplant Surgery Program at the School of Medicine, the reasons behind its success and the impact on patient care.
The Washington University campus community is making headlines every day. Members of the School of Medicine are regularly featured in local, national and international news stories. Department of Surgery faculty, staff and medical students are leaders in their specialties, and share their expertise when called upon. Campus Catch-Up collects some of these stories and celebrates members of the community who are receiving recognition.
The Division of Urology offers hands-on training, fellowships and clinical research trials in endourology.
Training with an Intuitive Single Port Surgical System at the WISE Center allows practicing physicians to hone their skills on one of the newest innovations in robotic surgery.