Director of Siteman Cancer Center and past surgery chair recognized for contributions to cancer care.
Eberlein Honored at Inaugural Lecture and Portrait Unveiling

Keep up-to-date with upcoming Department of Surgery events and coverage of recent happenings.
Director of Siteman Cancer Center and past surgery chair recognized for contributions to cancer care.
Susan Mackinnon, MD is recognized for her contribution to nerve surgery, pioneering revolutionary nerve transfer procedure.
General surgery residents test laparoscopic skills ahead of SAGES competition.
Research Administrator Appreciation Day recognizes specialists who manage research.
Congratulations to our 2023 vascular surgery residency and fellowship graduates!
Congratulations to our 2023 urologic surgery residency and fellowship graduates!
Congratulations to our 2023 general surgery residency graduates!
Congratulations to our 2023 plastic and reconstructive surgery residency and fellowship graduates!
Washington University bariatric surgeons, patients and supporters walk to raise awareness and funds at the 2023 Walk from Obesity.
Resident finalists present groundbreaking research and faculty vote to select winners at 2023 Wells Research Day Competition.
Washington University breast cancer specialist honored in memory of renowned surgical oncologist.
Tsuyoshi Kaneko, MD, recognized at Shoenberg Chair Installation ceremony.
The Surgical Prehabilitation and Readiness program is awarded the QUEST Award for its improvement of patient recovery by preparing them before surgery occurs.
The Midwest’s most comprehensive general surgery review course returns to St. Louis – Register now!
Robert A. Montgomery, MD, PhD, Director of Langone Transplant Institute at New York University, delivers 2022 Anderson-Newton Lecture.
Center for Collaborative Care Decisions’ inaugural bootcamp attracts international audience to address shared decision making.
Ryan Fields, MD, recognized alongside Paul and Elke Koch and Kim and Tim Eberlein, MD, at distinguished professorship installation ceremony.
Cardiothoracic trainees present research and visiting professor delivers lecture at annual Kouchoukos Research Day.
Department of Surgery faculty and staff participate in training for residency and fellowship leaders.
John R. Caulk Visiting Professor Gerald Andriole, MD, and Justin J. Cordonnier Visiting Professor Mohammad Allaf, MD, visit the Division of Urology.
Congratulations to graduating urology residents and fellows from the class of 2022.
Congratulations to our 2022 graduates, who will go on to become leaders in surgery.
Kelly Currie, MD, and McKenna Buchheit (Roberts), PA, participated in Christian Hospital’s women’s health seminar.
Visiting professor and research presentations honor legacy of plastic surgery chair.
Eberlein delivers a reflection on the future of surgery and residents present annual awards.
Graduating medical students recognize Michael Awad, MD, PhD, for his commitment to education.
Four finalists presented research at 2022 Samuel A. Wells, Jr., Research Day Competition and two winners were selected by faculty vote
Members of the Department of Surgery had a successful showing at Surgical Education Week (SEW) 2022. Alongside several research presentations, residents and staff were honored with awards and grants from surgical education organizations.
Timothy Eberlein, MD, shares how the Department of Surgery has led in reducing health care disparities and improving health equity.
Several Washington University cardiothoracic surgery faculty members and trainees trekked to Boston to attend the American Association for Thoracic Surgery’s 102nd Annual Meeting.
Washington University urologic surgery faculty members and trainees travelled to New Orleans, LA, to attend the 2022 American Urological Association (AUA) Annual Meeting.
Washington University welcomes Horacio Asbun, MD, for the 19th Annual Eugene M. Bricker Visiting Lecture in Surgery.
At the 2020-2021 Distinguished Service Teaching Awards, three members of the department were recognized for their contributions to medical student education.
The St. Louis Shock Symposium aims to help attendees understand of the optimal treatments of cardiogenic shock and severe acute respiratory distress syndrome.
Department of Surgery faculty and residents raise money for cancer research by participating in the 2021 Pedal the Cause event.
Surgery residents come to the WISE Center for laparoscopic and suturing skills lab training this summer.
General Surgery residents gave a tour of the WISE Center and explained various elements of surgery during the BJC School Outreach and Youth Development’s 2021 Adventures in Healthcare Camp.
Benjamin Breyer, MD, MAS, serves as the 2021 Justin J. Cordonnier Visiting Professor at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.
Guest lecturer Condoleezza Rice, 66th U.S. Secretary of State, joined AATS President Marc Moon, MD, in conversation at the 101st Annual Meeting of the American Association for Thoracic Surgery.
The Foundation for Barnes-Jewish Hospital celebrates the appointment of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Chief Justin Sacks, MD, MBA, as the Chairholder of the Shoenberg Endowed Chair in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery Ralph Damiano, Jr., MD, shares life-saving advances in lung transplant and heart surgery with the Foundation for Barnes-Jewish Hospital.
Learn more about the Society of Urologic Oncology Fellowship virtual open house.
Remote and in-person training opportunities at the WISE Center create innovations in the world of surgical education.
The Division of Urology offers hands-on training, fellowships and clinical research trials in endourology.
Training with an Intuitive Single Port Surgical System at the WISE Center allows practicing physicians to hone their skills on one of the newest innovations in robotic surgery.
Interested in learning about the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Residency Program at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis? Have questions for faculty or current residents? Learn more and sign up for an informational session.
Peggy Pearle, MD, PhD, visits the School of Medicine from University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center for the Division of Urology’s annual John R. Caulk Visiting Professorship.
Marc Moon, MD, Cardiac Surgery Section Chief, was named President of the AATS at the Association’s Virtual 100th Annual Meeting this May
Operating room nursing staff recently attended a WISE Robotic Skills Lab to work with brand-new robots and simulators.
Shaf Keshavjee Shares the Latest Innovations in Transplant Surgery.