Avoiding Amputation

Plastic and Reconstructive, ACCS and Vascular surgeons are taking innovative steps in growing a limb salvage service for patients who might otherwise require amputation.

National Doctors’ Day

For National Doctors’ Day, we recognize our Department of Surgery faculty for their professional accomplishments and personal interests. To learn more about some of our doctors, we asked them about their work and personal lives and created profiles highlighting their responses.

103 Lung Transplant Achievement is History in the Making

The Lung Transplant Program at Washington University School of Medicine celebrates its success in completing 103 lung transplants in 2019, the program’s highest number of lung transplants procedures completed in a year. The program, which now has performed 1,800 total lung transplants since 1988, has proven to be a cardinal expert in lung transplantation. “Although […]

Bartlett, Strasberg Receive Lifetime Achievement Award

by Jamie Gagliarducci • jamie.gagliarducci@bjc.orgReprinted with permission of BJC Today BJH, WUSM | Nancy Bartlett, MD, and Steven Strasberg, MD, received the Barnes-Jewish Medical Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award at the association’s semi-annual general meeting, April 11, at the Eric P. Newman Education Center. Physicians who have given 25 years or more of distinguished service to […]

Measuring Care to Improve Surgical Outcomes

The Department of Surgery’s public health sciences division strives to collaborate with surgeons on projects that measure clinical care. This reflects the academic surgery field’s efforts to improve outcomes, but few surgical departments have such a close working relationship with public health researchers. In the department, one example is the work of a public health […]

Less Invasive Approaches for Pancreatic Cancer Surgery

The Whipple procedure is the major operation most commonly used to remove pancreatic tumors. Washington University hepatobiliary-pancreatic and gastrointestinal (HPB-GI) surgeons at Barnes-Jewish Hospital have worked for two decades to make the surgery safer. Now they are reducing the impact of the surgery through the use of minimally invasive techniques, thereby improving quality of life […]

HPB Fellowship Transitioned to 2-Year Program

The HPB fellowship has transitioned from a one-year to a two-year program. This change reflects the general trend toward more training in minimally invasive (MI) and laparoscopic surgery and supports the goal of Washington University to become one of the premier programs for training of minimally invasive hepatobiliary surgeons. The additional time will afford surgeons […]