Dr. Hailey Shepherd provides insights on her experience as surgical resident on rotation in Malawi
Surgical Education in Action in an International Setting

Profiles and stories featuring WashU Surgery trainees, including residents, fellows, medical students and other training program members.
Dr. Hailey Shepherd provides insights on her experience as surgical resident on rotation in Malawi
General surgery residents at WashU Medicine have several opportunities for global surgery experiences during their training.
Congratulations to the Department of Surgery SAFE accolade recipients
Local non-profit, SOfA gains support from SAGES with resident partnership
Faculty and residents receive awards for excellence in medical student education.
Rossetti, Shepherd and Roberts named winners at 23rd Samuel A, Wells, Jr. Research Day
General surgery residents test laparoscopic skills ahead of SAGES competition.
Congratulations to our 2023 vascular surgery residency and fellowship graduates!
Congratulations to our 2023 urologic surgery residency and fellowship graduates!
General surgery resident recognized by American Association for Thoracic Surgery lung transplant research.
Washington University general surgery resident Daniel Colchado, MD, selected to conduct funded research in Plastic Surgery Research Laboratory.
Congratulations to our 2023 general surgery residency graduates!
Congratulations to our 2023 plastic and reconstructive surgery residency and fellowship graduates!
Resident finalists present groundbreaking research and faculty vote to select winners at 2023 Wells Research Day Competition.
General surgery residents refine minimally invasive surgical skills and compete at WISE and SAGES.
Cardiothoracic trainees present research and visiting professor delivers lecture at annual Kouchoukos Research Day.
General surgery residents volunteered with Surgical Outreach for the Americas to help patients in El Salvador.
Four finalists presented research at 2022 Samuel A. Wells, Jr., Research Day Competition and two winners were selected by faculty vote
General surgery resident Corbin Frye, MD, won the SAGES Top Gun competition for the second year in a row. Frye and his fellow residents hone laparoscopic skills at the Washington University Institute for Surgical Education.
Washington University pediatric cardiothoracic surgeon Jacob Miller, MD, specializes in the surgical treatment of congenital heart and lung conditions at St. Louis Children’s Hospital. Miller joins the faculty after completing world-class surgical training at the School of Medicine.
WashU General Surgery resident Connor Callahan, MD, MSc, trained as the Congenital Heart Surgeons’ Society John W. Kirklin-David Ashburn Fellow in Toronto.
General Surgery residents gave a tour of the WISE Center and explained various elements of surgery during the BJC School Outreach and Youth Development’s 2021 Adventures in Healthcare Camp.
Britta Han, MD, MSEd, brings her passion for education to the WISE Center as an ACS-AEI Education Fellow.
Inaugural Simulation and Education Fellow Eileen Smith, MD, presents research at Surgical Simulation Summit.
Cardiothoracic surgeon Shuddhadeb Ray, MD, MPHS, brings his expertise in heart, lung, and esophageal surgery to Christian Hospital after a decade of training at Washington University School of Medicine.
Research shows that the role of women in urology is growing rapidly, but there is still work to be done to ensure equity and access to opportunities. Erica Traxel, MD, Director of the Urologic Surgery Residency Program, and women in the residency program share their experiences at the School of Medicine.