Meera Muthukrishnan, PhD, MPH
Instructor of Surgery
2021 – 2024, Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas
2020, PhD, Public Health Studies, Epidemiology, Saint Louis University, College for Public Health and Social Justice, St. Louis, Missouri
2019, Certificate, University Teaching Skills, Saint Louis University, Reinert Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning, St. Louis, Missouri
2014, Certificate, Geographic Information Systems, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri
2011, Masters of Public Health, Epidemiology, Saint Louis University, School of Public Health, St. Louis, Missouri
2006, Bachelor of Arts, International Studies/Premedical Studies, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri
Teaching Appointments
Instructor of Surgery, Division of Public Health Sciences, Department of Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine
- Muthukrishnan, M, Loux, T, Shacham, E, Tiro, JA, Arnold, LD. (2022). Barriers to human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination among young adults, aged 18–35. Preventive Medicine Reports, 29:101942. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2022.101942.
- Muthukrishnan, M, Arnold, LD, James, AS. (2019). Patients’ self-reported barriers to colon cancer screening in federally qualified health center settings. Preventive Medicine Reports, 15:100896. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2019.100896.
- Adjei Boakye, E, Lew, D, Muthukrishnan, M, Tobo, BB, Rohde, RL, Varvares, MA, & Osazuwa-Peters, N. (2018). Correlates of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination initiation and completion among 18–26 year olds in the United States. Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics, 14(8): 2016-2024. doi: 10.1080/21645515.2018.1467203
- Muthukrishnan, M, Sutcliffe, S, Hunleth, J, Wang, JS, Colditz, GA, James, AS. (2018). Conducting a randomized trial in rural and urban safety-net health centers: Added value of Community-Based Participatory Research. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 10: 29-35. doi: 10.1016/j.conctc.2018.02.005
- Muthukrishnan, M. (2022) DFW Community Cancer Profile. [Print]. Dallas, TX: Office of Community Outreach, Engagement, and Equity. UT Southwestern Medical Center. 2022 August.
- Muthukrishnan M, Patch J. (2011). 2011 Community Profile, St. Louis Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure. epub. http://www.komenstlouis.org/site/DocServer/2011_Community_Profile3.pdf?docID=2141.
- Muthukrishnan M, Arnold LD. (2020). Examining barriers to HPV vaccination among individuals aged 18-35 living with HIV. Dissertation Defense Presentation, Saint Louis University College of Public Health and Social Justice, St. Louis MO. Passed with Distinction.
- Muthukrishnan M, Arnold LD. (2019). Examining barriers to HPV vaccination among individuals aged 18-35 living with HIV. New Investigators Workshop, American Society of Preventive Oncology 42nd Annual Meeting, Tampa FL.
- Muthukrishnan M, Arnold LD. (2018). Examining barriers to HPV vaccination among individuals aged 18-35 living with HIV. Dissertation Proposal Presentation, Saint Louis University College of Public Health and Social Justice, St. Louis MO.
- Muthukrishnan M, Yan Y, Wang JS, Colditz GA, James AS. (2015). Systems-level intervention to increase CRC screening in community health centers. American Association for Cancer Research Cancer Health Disparities Meeting, Atlanta GA.
- Muthukrishnan M, Yan Y, Wang JS, Colditz GA, James AS. (2015). Systems-level intervention to increase CRC screening in community health centers. WUSM Department of Public Health Sciences Works in Progress Meeting, St. Louis MO.
- Muthukrishnan M, James AS, Hunleth J, Farmer G, Colditz GA. (2014). Baseline characteristics in a practical clinical trial on colorectal cancer screening. American Association for Cancer Research Cancer Health Disparities Meeting, San Antonio TX.
- Muthukrishnan M, James AS, Hunleth J, Farmer G, Colditz GA. (2014). Baseline characteristics in a practical clinical trial on colorectal cancer screening. WUSM Department of Public Health Sciences Works in Progress Meeting, St. Louis MO.
- Muthukrishnan M, Tiro JA, Hansen K, Lin J, Dorsey C, Gao H, Troja C, Anderson M, Meenan R, Green B, Buist DSM, Winer R. (2022). Improving communication and management following a positive home HPV self-sampling kit result. Poster presented at the 15th American Association for Cancer Research Conference on the Science of Cancer Health Disparities, Philadelphia PA.
- Muthukrishnan M, Loux T, Shacham E, Arnold LD. (2019). Provider perspectives on systems-level barriers to HPV vaccine uptake among people living with HIV (PLWH) in the catch-up range. Poster presented at the 6th NCI Cancer Centers HPV Vaccination Summit, Dallas TX.
- Muthukrishnan M, Siddiqui S, Nelson EJ, Arnold LD. (2019). Gender disparities in oral cancer knowledge. Poster presented at the American Society of Preventive Oncology 42nd Annual Meeting, Tampa FL.
- Arnold LD, Muthukrishnan M, Siddiqui S, Nelson EJ. (2019). Uncertainty about oral cancer and the potential for social media-based interventions. Poster presented at the American Society of Preventive Oncology 42nd Annual Meeting, Tampa FL.
- Muthukrishnan M, Arnold LD. (2018). Following Doctor’s Orders: Influence of Provider Recommendations on Adherence to Physical Activity Guidelines among Adults with Hypertension. Poster presented at the 5th Annual Doctoral Research Symposium, Saint Louis University College for Public Health and Social Justice, St. Louis MO.
- Muthukrishnan M, Arnold LD, James AS. (2018). Patients’ self-reported reasons for not getting screened for colon cancer in a safety-net health setting. Poster presented at the American Society of Preventive Oncology 41st Annual Meeting, Seattle WA.
- Muthukrishnan, M, Arnold LD, James AS. (2017). Gaps in Health Insurance Coverage: How does it affect CRC screening? Poster presented at the 4th Annual Doctoral Research Symposium, Saint Louis University College for Public Health and Social Justice, St. Louis MO.
- Adjei Boakye E, Tobo BB, Lew D, Muthukrishnan M, Pham VT, Rohde RL, Burroughs T, Varvares MA, Osazuwa-Peters N. (2017). Factors associated with HPV vaccination initiation and completion among 18-26 year olds in the United States. Poster presented at the American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting, Washington DC.
- Osazuwa-Peters N, Tobo BB, Muthukrishnan M, Lew D, Chen B, Adjei Boakye E. (2017). Tracking HPV vaccination of young boys: is parental recall as dependable as physician records? Poster presented at the American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting, Washington DC.
- Muthukrishnan, M, Arnold LD, James AS. (2017). Gaps in Health Insurance Coverage: How does it affect CRC screening? Poster presented at the American Society of Preventive Oncology 42nd Annual Meeting, New York NY.
- Muthukrishnan M, Yan Y, Wang JS, Colditz GA, James AS. (2015). Systems-level intervention to increase CRC screening in community health centers. Poster presented at the American Association for Cancer Research Cancer Health Disparities Meeting, Atlanta GA.
- Bowen DJ, Muthukrishnan, M, Hipp JA, James AS, Marx CM, Brownson RC. (2014). Racial differences in employee obesity and employee supports. Poster presented at the 2014 Minority Health and Health Disparities Grantees’ Conference, Transdisciplinary Collaborations: Evolving Dimensions of US and Global Health Equity, National Harbor MD.
- Muthukrishnan M, James AS, Hunleth J, Farmer G, Colditz GA. (2014). Baseline characteristics in a practical clinical trial on colorectal cancer screening. Poster presented at the American Association for Cancer Research Cancer Health Disparities Meeting, San Antonio TX.
- James AS, Muthukrishnan M, Brown M, Colditz GA. (2013). A Clinic-level Intervention for Cancer Screening Developed Using Participatory Research. Poster presented at the American Association for Cancer Research Cancer Health Disparities Meeting, Atlanta GA.
- James AS, Muthukrishnan M, Brown M, Wang JS, Yan Y, Massey K, Anwuri V, Colditz GA. (2012). Using CBPR to develop a systems-level colorectal cancer screening intervention. Poster presented at the American Association for Cancer Research Cancer Health Disparities Meeting, San Diego CA.
- Muthukrishnan M, Thampy L, Flick LH, Chang JJ. (2011). Correlates of Physical Inactivity in Overweight/Obese Pregnant Women. Poster presented at Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology (MCH EPI) Conference: Using Epidemiology to Improve Maternal and Child Health, New Orleans LA.
- James AS, Wang JS, Yan Y, Massey K, Muthukrishnan M, Anwuri A, Colditz GA. (2011). A Systems- Level Intervention to Increase Colorectal Cancer Screening in Community Health Centers. Poster presented at the American Association for Cancer Research Cancer Health Disparities Meeting, Washington DC.
- James AS, Massey K, Muthukrishnan M, Wang JS, Colditz GA. (2011). A novel participatory approach to increasing colon cancer screening in community health centers. Poster presented at the American Association for Cancer Research Cancer Health Disparities Meeting, Washington, DC.
To contact Dr. Muthukrishnan, call 314-362-6746 or email mmuthukr@wustl.edu.