Shuddhadeb Ray, MD, MPHS
Associate Professor of Surgery
Medical School: University of Kansas School of Medicine, Kansas City, KS 2011
Graduate School: Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO 2014
2011-2018 General Surgery Residency, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO
Zarate RJ, Zihni AM Ohu I, Cavallo JA, Ray S, Cho S, Awad MM. Ergonomic analysis of laparoscopic and robotic surgical task performance at various experience levels. Surg Endosc. 2018 Oct 22.
Yee A, Zubovic E, Yu J, Ray S, Hildebrandt S, Seidelman WE, Polar RJA, Grodin MA, Coert JH, Brown D, Korner IJ, Mackinnon SE. Ethical considerations in the use of Pernkopf’s Atlas of Anatomy: A surgical case study. Surgery. 2018 Sep 14.
Zihni A, Gerull WD, Cavallo JA, Ge T, Ray S, Chiu J, Brunt LM, Awad MM. Comparison of precision and speed in laparoscopic and robot-assisted surgical task performance. J Surg Res. 2018 Mar;223:29-33.
Wang R, Liang Z, Zihni AM, Ray S, Awad MM. Which causes more ergonomic stress: Laparoscopic or open surgery? Surg Endosc. 2017 Aug;231(8):3286-3290.
Ray S, Ward KC, Baalman S, Brunt LM, Van Goor H, Matthews BD. Ventral Hernia Repair in Contaminated Fields: A Survey to Identify Current Surgical Practices. Planned submission to Surgical Endoscopy.
Zihni A, Ge T, Ray S, Wang R, Liang Z, Cavallo JA, Awad MM. Transfer and priming of surgical skills across minimally invasive surgical platforms. J Surg Res. 2016 Nov;206(1):48-51.
Ray S, Hall BL, Saito JM. Patient Safety and Quality Improvement in Surgery. Washington Manual of Surgery. Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins. St. Louis, 2016.
Zihni A, Cavallo JA, Ray S, Ohu I, Cho S, Awad MM. Ergonomic analysis of primary and assistant surgical roles. J Surg Res. 2016 Jun 15;203(2):301-5.
Yu J, Brown D, Korner IJ, Ray S. Looking beyond the crystal ball: An ethical dilemma in advance directive implementation in multidisciplinary patient care. Surgery. 2015 Nov;158(5):1389-94.
Ray S, O’Connor ML, Angelos P. Ethical Challenges in High Risk Innovative Surgery. Ethical Issues in Anesthesia and Surgery. Springer Clinical Medicine, 2015.
Ray S, Moley JF. Chapter 7: Lateral Neck Dissection for Thyroid Carcinoma. Atlas of Surgical Procedures. JP Brothers Medical Publishers, Philadelphia. 2015.
Miller JR, Deeken CR, Ray S, Henn MC, Lancaster TS, Schuessler RB, Damiano RJ, Melby SJ. Expaned Polytetrafluoroehylene for Chordal Replacement: Preventing Knot Failure. Ann Thorac Surg. 2015 Dec;100(6)2325-9.
Means JM, Kodner IJ, Brown D, Ray S. Sharing clinical photographs: Patient rights, professional ethics, and institutional responsibilities. Bull Am Coll Surg. 2015 Oct;100(10):17-22.
Chen DY, Vuylsteke K, Kodner IJ, Brown D, Ray S. Physicians juding medical negligence: a conflict of values. Surgery 2015 Apr;157(4):818-23.
LaRue SJ, Garcia-Cortes R, Nassif ME, Vader JM, Ray S, Ravichandran A, Rasalingham R, Silvestry SC, Ewald GA, Wang IW, Schilling JD. Treatment of secondary pulmonary hypertension with bosentan after left ventricular assist device implantation. Cardiovasc Ther. 2015 Apr;33(2):50-5.
Miller J, Brown D, Keune J, Kodner I, Ray S, Steele SR, Zihni AM. Ethical dilemmas in the care of Afghan women by American military surgons. Surgery. 2014 Nov; 156(5):1278-81.
Weimar T, Lee AM, Ray S, Schuessler RB, Damiano RJ Jr. Evaluation of a novel cryoablation system: in vitro testing of heat capacity and freezing temperatures. Innovations (Phila). 2012 Nov-Dec;7(6):403-9.
Weimar T, Lee AM, Ray S, Schuessler RB, Damiano RJ Jr. Evaluation of a novel cryoablation system: in vivo testing in a chronic porcine model. Innovations (Phila). 2012 Nov-Dec;7(6):410-6.
Boyum EN, Brown D, Zihni AM, Keune JD, Hong BA, Kodner I, Ray S. Transplant in a patient with comorbid psychiatric illness: An ethical dilemma. Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons. Published November 1st, 2014.
Chumfong I, Brown D, Keune J, Kodner I, Ray S, Zihni AM. Distributing a limited resource: ethical allocation of deceased donor kidneys. Surgery. 2014 Jul;156(1):198-203.
Lake SP, Ray S, Zihni AM, Thompson DM Jr, Gluckstein J, Deeken CR. Pore size and pore shape – but not mesh density – alter the mechanical strength of tissue ingrowth and host tissue response to synthetic mesh materials in a porcine model of ventral hernia repair. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. 2014 Nov 26;42C:186-197.
Northrup BE, McCommis KS, Zhang H, Ray S, Woodard PK, Gropler RJ, Zheng J. Resting myocardial perfusion quantification with CMR arterial spin labeling at 1.5T and 3.0T. J Cardiovasc Magn Reson. 2008;10(1):53.
Hospital Affiliations
Barnes-Jewish Hospital
Christian Hospital
Patients Seen At
Christian Hospital
1131 Dunn Rd
Medical Office Building 1, Suite 209E
St. Louis, MO 63136
To make an appointment with Dr. Ray, please contact 314-355-3003.