WISE Top Gun 2025

Trainees compete in laparoscopic skills showdown at WISE.

SAFE Accolade Recipients

Congratulations to the Department of Surgery SAFE accolade recipients

WISE Receives ACS-AEI Reaccreditation

Washington University surgical skills lab accredited and commended once again by the American College of Surgeons for top-tier education and programming.

A New Lease on Life: Scott’s Story

After a shocking diagnosis, Scott Pulley was told a heart transplant was his only option. The Washington University heart team came together to find another way – and save his life in the process.

Embracing Life With an Ostomy Bag

Ostomy surgery can be life altering – but for many patients, it can uncover a newfound sense of freedom and a new outlook on life.

Department of Surgery New Faculty: July 2022

The Department of Surgery welcomes new Chair, John Olson, MD, and the Divisions of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Public Health Sciences and Urologic Surgery welcome new faculty.

Four-Year Grant Awarded to Acute and Critical Care Research Project

Dr. Isaiah Turnbull, a researcher and surgeon at Washington University School of Medicine St. Louis, has received a four-year $1.5 million grant for his research on immunosuppression induced by burn injuries. This work is in partnership with the Military Burn Research Program.

Department of Surgery 2021 Annual Report

With another year in the books, we are proud to share the Department of Surgery 2021 Annual Report, demonstrating our mission in action. You can read the Annual Report online to learn how the Department of Surgery at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis has continued its leadership in patient care, research, education and health equity in a year of challenges and successes.

Pawale Named Surgical Director of Heart Transplantation

Photo of Dr. Pawale with text that reads "WashU Surgery Welcomes Amit Pawale, MD. Pawale named Surgical Director of the Heart Transplant, VAD and ECMO Program."

Amit Pawale, MD, joins the department as surgical director of heart transplantation, ventricular assist devices and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.

Disparities After Surgery: Readmission from Complications More Common for People of Color

Physicians at Washington University School of Medicine conducted a research study on the disparities of post-surgery complications and readmission, visualizing differences of readmission between white and non-white patients. Patients of color are more likely to require readmission after surgery, which may be related to other lived disparities, such as barriers to accessing equal healthcare to their white counterparts.

Campus Catch-Up

The Washington University campus community is making headlines every day. Members of the School of Medicine are regularly featured in local, national and international news stories. Department of Surgery faculty, staff and medical students are leaders in their specialties, and share their expertise when called upon. Campus Catch-Up collects some of these stories and celebrates members of the community who are receiving recognition.