Results of an international study including School of Medicine and Siteman Cancer Center researchers show improved outcomes for patients with advanced cases of rectal cancer.
RAPIDO Results Offer New Standard of Care for Rectal Cancer

Results of an international study including School of Medicine and Siteman Cancer Center researchers show improved outcomes for patients with advanced cases of rectal cancer.
William Chapman, MD, speaks to KSDK and National Geographic regarding the importance of transplant surgery, blood donation and health practices.
Shaf Keshavjee Shares the Latest Innovations in Transplant Surgery.
A group of medical professionals from the National Institute of Respiratory Diseases (INER) in Mexico City, Mexico, visited Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis this Feb. for a week of training in lung transplantation. Ruben Nava, MD, Assistant Professor of Surgery from the Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery, hosted the group as they attended […]