A recent study led by investigators at Washington University and Harvard University details new findings regarding the role of lipid mediators following lung transplantation.
Tackling Lung Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury: Resolvin D1 Proves Potential

A recent study led by investigators at Washington University and Harvard University details new findings regarding the role of lipid mediators following lung transplantation.
Washington University Lung Transplant Program reaches an impressive milestone at the start of 2023.
Investigators from the Thoracic Immunology Laboratory have identified pathways leading to ischemia-reperfusion injury after lung transplantation. Their findings are published in the journal PNAS.
Washington University General Surgery residents and leaders of the Thoracic Immunobiology Laboratory collaborated to discuss the body’s innate immune responses that could lead to lung injury and allograft failure.
Alec Patterson, MD, was appointed the new Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery.
The Lung Transplant Program at Washington University School of Medicine reaches a major milestone by performing 1,900 lung transplants.
Satona Tanaka, MD, Jason Gauthier, MD, and Daniel Kreisel, MD, PhD, receive 2021 AJT Outstanding Article Award for lung transplantation research.
Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery Ralph Damiano, Jr., MD, shares life-saving advances in lung transplant and heart surgery with the Foundation for Barnes-Jewish Hospital.