“Virtuoso” Bullock recognized for 31 years of unwavering devotion to patients, surgical excellence & unparalleled commitment to community activism.
Bullock Receives Medical Staff Association Lifetime Achievement Award

“Virtuoso” Bullock recognized for 31 years of unwavering devotion to patients, surgical excellence & unparalleled commitment to community activism.
Leading prostate cancer researcher recognized at installation ceremony.
Urologic oncologist recognized for excellent early-career practice.
Addressing five common urologic men’s health concerns and how to start the conversation with your doctor.
Findings, in mice, suggest potential treatment strategy
Congratulations to the 41 Department of Surgery faculty recognized on the 2023 Castle Connolly Top Doctors® list.
Vasectomy is a safe, simple and common procedure which blocks sperm from reaching semen as a form of birth control.
Congratulations to the Department of Surgery faculty recognized on the 2022 Castle Connolly Top Doctors® list.
The Department of Surgery welcomes new Chair, John Olson, MD, and the Divisions of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Public Health Sciences and Urologic Surgery welcome new faculty.
Washington University surgeons highlight the importance of speaking openly about men’s health with your doctors and learning about screening guidelines.
Dane Johnson, MD, explains what led him to his role as a men’s health, sexual dysfunction and infertility specialist at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.
Vicky Peck, RN, Patient Safety and Quality Coordinator, and Erica Traxel, MD, Associate Professor of Surgery, helped create a culture of safety in the Division of Urologic Surgery by developing a program to track ureteral stents.
Neurogenic bladder is a condition in which the nerves signaling to the bladder have been damaged, resulting in dysfunction of the bladder muscles and function. Common causes include genetic nerve problems, birth defects, injury, stroke, diabetes, infection, brain or spinal cord tumors. Treatments include lifestyle changes, medicinal treatments and surgery.
Ambulatory coder Beth Jurgensen retires after 35 years at Washington University. She reflects on the many fond memories from throughout her career while looking forward to giving back during retirement.
The medical term for an enlarged prostate is benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). An enlarged prostate is not a medical problem, but it is a condition patients should understand.
The Washington University campus community is making headlines every day. Members of the School of Medicine are regularly featured in local, national and international news stories. Department of Surgery faculty, staff and medical students are leaders in their specialties, and share their expertise when called upon. Campus Catch-Up collects some of these stories and celebrates members of the community who are receiving recognition.
Chief of Urologic Surgery Gerald Andriole, MD, was awarded for his outstanding and impactful research and work in the field of prostate cancer.
Congratulations to the Department of Surgery faculty recognized on the 2021 Castle Connolly Top Doctors® list.
Kidney stones are exceptionally common and affect nearly one in ten Americans. Those who have suffered from stones understand that kidney stones can be incredibly painful when they begin to pass. Washington University Urology offers advanced care for the treatment and prevention of kidney stones. In order to help the public know more about this […]
Urologic surgeon Charles Nottingham, MD, MS, explains the Washington University Urology’s new reusable and disposable ureteroscope hybrid system.
Washington University urologist Arnold Bullock, MD, is an accomplished surgeon, public health advocate and mentor to young people in North St. Louis. Bullock discusses the importance of cancer screening, what makes a good patient and the value of mentorship in the local community.
Benjamin Breyer, MD, MAS, serves as the 2021 Justin J. Cordonnier Visiting Professor at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.
In addition to providing care on the Medical Campus, Washington University surgeons extend patient care to community practice across the St. Louis region at locations including Christian Hospital and Alton Memorial Hospital.
The Department of Surgery 2020 Annual Report features clinical, research and educational accomplishments from the Division of Urologic Surgery.
Testicular cancer expert Zachary Smith, MD, explains how and why to perform regular self-examinations for testicular cancer.
The Washington University campus community is making headlines every day. Members of the School of Medicine are regularly featured in local, national and international news stories. Department of Surgery faculty, staff and medical students are leaders in their specialties, and share their expertise when called upon. Campus Catch-Up collects some of these stories and celebrates members of the community who are receiving recognition.
The Washington University campus community is making headlines every day. Members of the School of Medicine are regularly featured in local, national and international news stories. Department of Surgery faculty, staff and medical students are leaders in their specialties, and share their expertise when called upon.
The Washington University campus community is making headlines every day. Members of the School of Medicine are regularly featured in local, national and international news stories. Department of Surgery faculty, staff and medical students are leaders in their specialties, and share their expertise when called upon.
The Washington University campus community is making headlines every day. Members of the School of Medicine are regularly featured in local, national and international news stories. Department of Surgery faculty, staff and medical students are leaders in their specialties, and share their expertise when called upon. Campus Catch-Up collects some of these stories and celebrates members of the community who are receiving recognition.
Dane Johnson, MD, Assistant Professor of Urologic Surgery, answers some of the most frequently asked questions about choosing a urologist.
Research shows that the role of women in urology is growing rapidly, but there is still work to be done to ensure equity and access to opportunities. Erica Traxel, MD, Director of the Urologic Surgery Residency Program, and women in the residency program share their experiences at the School of Medicine.
The Division of Urology offers hands-on training, fellowships and clinical research trials in endourology.
Dane Johnson, MD, Assistant Professor of Urologic Surgery, answers some of the most frequently asked questions about male infertility.
Training with an Intuitive Single Port Surgical System at the WISE Center allows practicing physicians to hone their skills on one of the newest innovations in robotic surgery.
Get to know the residents in the Department of Surgery’s residency programs, and why they chose Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis for their surgical training.
Get to know the residents in the Department of Surgery’s residency programs, and why they chose Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis for their surgical training.
Arnold Bullock, MD, Professor of Urologic Surgery, explains the UroLift procedure, one of the treatment options for voiding dysfunction available at Washington University Urology.
Get to know the residents in the Department of Surgery’s residency programs, and why they chose Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis for their surgical training.
Arnold Bullock, MD, Professor of Urologic Surgery, explains the causes of voiding dysfunction and treatment options available at Washington University Urology.
Get to know the residents in the Department of Surgery’s residency programs, and why they chose Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis for their surgical training.
The Washington University campus community is making headlines every day. Members of the School of Medicine are regularly featured in local, national and international news stories. Department of Surgery faculty, staff and medical students are leaders in their specialties, and share their expertise when called upon. Campus Catch-Up collects some of these stories and celebrates members of the community who are receiving recognition.
Get to know the residents in the Department of Surgery’s residency programs, and why they chose Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis for their surgical training.
Dane Johnson, MD, Assistant Professor of Urologic Surgery, answers some of the most frequently asked questions about what to do if a man’s erectile dysfunction medication stops working.
Get to know the residents in the Department of Surgery’s residency programs, and why they chose Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis for their surgical training.
The Washington University campus community is making headlines every day. Members of the School of Medicine are regularly featured in local, national and international news stories. Department of Surgery faculty, staff and medical students are leaders in their specialties, and share their expertise when called upon. Campus Catch-Up collects some of these stories and celebrates members of the community who are receiving recognition.
Get to know the residents in the Department of Surgery’s residency programs, and why they chose Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis for their surgical training.
Dane Johnson, MD, Assistant Professor of Urologic Surgery, answers some of the most frequently asked questions about penile curvature.
Get to know the residents in the Department of Surgery’s residency programs, and why they chose Washington University School of Medicine for their surgical training.
Three graduating urology chief residents reflect on their training as they prepare for the next steps of their careers.
Dane Johnson, MD, Assistant Professor of Urologic Surgery, answers some of the most frequently asked questions about vasectomy reversal.