A New Lease on Life: Scott’s Story

After a shocking diagnosis, Scott Pulley was told a heart transplant was his only option. The Washington University heart team came together to find another way – and save his life in the process.

A Helping Hand: Carmen’s Story

Dr. Pet listens to pulse in patient's fingers using ultrasound in clinic room

A rare disease nearly cost Carmen her hands, until she met microvascular surgeon Mitchell Pet, MD.

A Beautiful New Heart: Audrey’s Story

Baby Audrey smiling in red dress at birthday party holding parents' hands.

Audrey was born with a rare combination of heart conditions. Thanks to an organ donor and the St. Louis Children’s and Washington University Heart Center team, she celebrated her first birthday at home with a new heart.

Coaching After Amputation: Sam’s Story

Sam Schaefer returning to his active lifestyle after amputation surgery. Text overlay reads "Coaching After Amputation: Sam's Story"

Sam Schaefer suffered from constant pain after an injury left him with a rare neurological condition. After a below-the-knee amputation at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, he is back to playing hockey, breaking world records and coaching at a local gym.

Still Standing

Image of patient standing in clinic with text overlay that reads "Still Standing. A multidisciplinary team of Washington University surgeons saved Julius Moss from having an amputation after his diabetic foot ulcer refused to heal."

A multidisciplinary team of Washington University surgeons saved Julius Moss from having an amputation after his diabetic foot ulcer refused to heal.

Celebrating Big for Savannah

Meet 11-year-old Savannah and her surgeon, Baddr Shakhsheer, who restored a sense of regularity to her life at the Pediatric Colorectal Center.

A Weight Loss Journey: Angie’s Story

Angie Britt, Supervisor of Patient Service Operations for the Weight Loss Surgery Program, guides patients through the bariatric surgery process by sharing her own story.