Groundbreaking surgery performed at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis
First robotic liver transplant in U.S. performed by Washington University surgeons (Links to an external site)

Groundbreaking surgery performed at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis
Washington University Lung Transplant Program reaches an impressive milestone at the start of 2023.
Robert A. Montgomery, MD, PhD, Director of Langone Transplant Institute at New York University, delivers 2022 Anderson-Newton Lecture.
Distinguished endowed chair recognizes Doyle’s vital role in transplant surgery.
Hepatitis can cause damage to the liver and, in some cases, a need for a liver transplant.
Washington University patients benefit from blood donations during surgery and in critical care situations. Learn about the “what, how, and why” of blood donation.
Investigators from the Thoracic Immunology Laboratory have identified pathways leading to ischemia-reperfusion injury after lung transplantation. Their findings are published in the journal PNAS.
There are several sources for biological tissue grafts used for reconstructive, reparative or replacement surgery. Allografts are obtained from tissue donors and transplanted into recipients through the tissue donation process. The decision to donate involves registration as a donor and is an important conversation to have with family. Ongoing surgery and research at Washington University benefits from the donation of tissue grafts or specimens from consented donors.
Kidney transplant is a life-saving surgical procedure which requires the matching of a donor kidney to the receiving patient, or recipient. National policy updates change the process of matching kidneys to recipients.
Alec Patterson, MD, was appointed the new Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery.
Washington University transplant surgeon Majella Doyle, MD, MBA, answers patient questions about adult liver transplants.
The Department of Surgery 2020 Annual Report features clinical, research and educational accomplishments from the Section of Transplant Surgery.
The Washington University pediatric liver care and transplant team at St. Louis Children’s Hospital shares what makes their pediatric patients superheroes in their eyes.
An organ donor can save as many as seven lives. Still, some people have concerns about becoming an organ donor. Transplant surgeon William Chapman, MD, explains the donation process and addresses common concerns people have regarding organ donation.
Director of Kidney and Pancreatic Transplantation at the Washington University and Barnes-Jewish Transplant Center Jason Wellen, MD, MBA, answers some of the most frequently asked questions about kidney transplant.
Transplant and hepatobiliary surgeon Adeel Khan discusses the growth of the Robotic Transplant Surgery Program at the School of Medicine, the reasons behind its success and the impact on patient care.