Christian W. Zemlin, PhD, MSc
Associate Professor of Surgery & Biomedical Engineering
1998, MSc, Technical University Berlin, Berlin, Germany
2002, PhD, Institute for Theoretical Biology, Humboldt-University Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Areas of Research Interest
- Cardiac electrophysiology
- Arrhythmia mechanisms
- Cardiac ablation
- Defibrillation
- Electroporation-based ablation
- Nanosecond-pulse ablation
- Nanosecond-pulse defibrillation
Financial Disclosures
1. E.B. Sozer, A.G. Pakhomov, I. Semenov, M. Casciola, V. Kim, P.T. Vernier, and C.W.Zemlin, “Analysis of electrostimulation and electroporation by high repetition rate bursts of nanosecond stimuli”, Bioelectrochemistry 140:107811 (2021).
2. J.U. Neuber, A.G. Pakhomov, C.W. Zemlin, “Electroporation Safety Factor of 300 Nanosecond Defibrillation in Langendorff-perfused Rabbit Hearts”, PLoS One 24:e0257287 (2021).
3. M.M. McGilvray, N.H. Bakir, M.O. Kelly, S.C. Perez, L.A. Sinn, R.B.Schuessler, C.W. Zemlin, H.S. Maniar, S.J. Melby, R.J. Damiano, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 32:2884-2894 (2021).
4. C.W. Zemlin, “Safety factor for electrostimulation with nanosecond pulses”, Bioelectrochemistry 141:107882 (2021).
5. A.G. Pakhomov, S. Xiao, V. Novickij, M. Casciola, I. Semenov, U. Mangalanathan, V. Kim, C.W. Zemlin, E. Sozer, C. Muratori, O.N. Pakhomova, “Excitation and electroporation by MHz bursts of nanosecond stimuli”, Biochem Biophys Res Comm, 518:759-764 (2019).
6. J.U. Neuber, A.G. Pakhomov, C.W. Zemlin,”Using Nanosecond Shocks for Cardiac Defibrillation”, Bioelectricity 1:240-246 (2019).
7. I. Semenov, S. Grigoryev, J.U Neuber, C. W. Zemlin, O. N. Pakhomova, M. Casciola, A. G. Pakhomov, “Excitation and injury of adult ventricular cardiomyocytes by nano- to millisecond electric shocks”, Scientific Reports 8:8233 (2018).
8. F. Varghese, J.U. Neuber, F. Xie, J.M. Philpott, A.G. Pakhomov, and C.W. Zemlin, “Low-Energy Defibrillation with Nanosecond Electric Shocks”, Cardiovascular Research 113:1789-1797 (2017).
9. M. Francis, E. Breathwaite, F. Varghese, A. Bulysheva, A.M. Tichy, R.Rodriguez, R. Ogle, S. Dutta, I. Semenov, S. Chen, A. Smith, and C.W.Zemlin.”Decellularized Placenta Hydrogel Injections Reduce Scarring in a Rat Model of Cardiac Ischemia and Support Cardiovascular and Stem Cell Cultures, Acta Biomater. 52:92-104 (2017).
10. J.M. Philpott and C.W.Zemlin. “Neo-arch and Descending Aortic Reconstruction Using Composite Homograft to Treat Infected Arch Aneurysm and Descending Aortic Stent Graft” Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 153:e73-75 (2017).
11. B. Hargrave, F. Varghese, N. Barabutis, J. Catravas, and C. W. Zemlin, “Nanosecond Pulsed Platelet-Rich Plasma (nsPRP) Improves Mechanical and Electrical Cardiac Function Following Myocardial Reperfusion Injury”, Physiol Rep 4 (4), e12710 (2016).
12. F. Varghese, J. Burket, A. Benson, S. I. Deutsch, and C. W. Zemlin. “Automated Analysis of Mouse Sociability”, Journal of Visual Experiments 111, pp. e52508 ff. (2016).
13. F. Xie and C.W. Zemlin, “Effect of Twisted Fiber Anisotropy in Cardiac Tissue on Ablation with Electric Fields”, PLoS One 11, e0152262 (2016).
14. C. W. Zemlin, F. Varghese, M. Wellner, and A. M. Pertsov. “Refraction of Scroll Wave Filaments and the Validity of the Geodesic Principle”, Physical Review Letters 114, 118303 (2015).
15. J. M. Philpott, C. W. Zemlin et al. “The ABLATE Trial: Safety and Efficacy of Cox Maze-IV Using a Bipolar Radiofrequency Ablation System”, Ann Thorac Surg 100, pp. 1541-8 (2015).
16. I. Semenov, C.W. Zemlin, O.N. Pakhomova, S.Xiao, and A.G. Pakhomov, “Diffuse, non-polar electropermeabilization and reduced propidium uptake distinguish the effect of nanosecond electric pulses”, Biochim Biophys Acta 10, pp. 2118-25 (2015).
17. F. Xie, Frency Varghese, I. Semenov, A.G Pakhomov, S. Xiao, and C.W. Zemlin, “Ablation of Myocardial Tissue With Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields”, PLoS One 10, e0144833 (2015).
18. F. Xie and C.W. Zemlin, “Filter Design for Optically Recorded Cardiac Electrical Activity Recorded During Ischemia”, Int J Sci Bas App Res 15, pp. 310-320 (2014).
19. F. Varghese, A. M. Pertsov, and C. W. Zemlin, “Scroll Wave Unpinning is Impeded by Filament Alignment with External Field”, Int J Sci Bas App Res 7, pp.355-361 (2014).
20. S. I. Deutsch, M. R. Urbano, and C. W. Zemlin, “Mouse models have limitations for development of medications for autism spectrum disorders, but also much promise”, Future Neurology