Understanding ECMO

Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation helps the body recover during heart or lung failure.

A Beautiful New Heart: Audrey’s Story

Baby Audrey smiling in red dress at birthday party holding parents' hands.

Audrey was born with a rare combination of heart conditions. Thanks to an organ donor and the St. Louis Children’s and Washington University Heart Center team, she celebrated her first birthday at home with a new heart.

High Blood Pressure and Erectile Dysfunction

Doctor taking a blood pressure reading with cuff and stethoscope.

Both high blood pressure and erectile dysfunction are common among older men. Understanding the relationship between these conditions could help men find the treatment that’s right for them.

A Durable Treatment for Recurrent Hernias

Research by Washington University hernia surgeons finds a durable solution for treating complex recurrent ventral hernias. The findings are published in the journal Surgery.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease or Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Comparison of IBS and IBD symptoms with medical illustration of the digestive system.

Inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome are two different gastrointestinal conditions. Learn more about each, and how Washington University Colon & Rectal Surgery provides team-based care for inflammatory bowel disease.

Frye Wins Top Gun at SAGES 2022

SAGES Top Gun winner Corbin Frye holding trophy with Chris Eagon and Michael Brunt

General surgery resident Corbin Frye, MD, won the SAGES Top Gun competition for the second year in a row. Frye and his fellow residents hone laparoscopic skills at the Washington University Institute for Surgical Education.

Introduction to Robotic Surgery Training at WISE

Photo collage of general surgery residents training on surgical robots in WISE Center with text that reads "Introduction to Robotic Surgery Training at WISE"

General surgery residents at the Washington University Institute for Surgical Education get hands-on experience with the latest innovations in surgical technology during an introduction to robotic surgery training course.

7 Things to Know About Lymphedema

Lymphedema is swelling caused by a blockage or damage to the lymphatic system. Most cases of lymphedema in the United States happen after cancer or cancer treatment. Understanding this condition can help with lymphedema prevention, management and treatment.

Coaching After Amputation: Sam’s Story

Sam Schaefer returning to his active lifestyle after amputation surgery. Text overlay reads "Coaching After Amputation: Sam's Story"

Sam Schaefer suffered from constant pain after an injury left him with a rare neurological condition. After a below-the-knee amputation at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, he is back to playing hockey, breaking world records and coaching at a local gym.

From Fellow to Faculty: Jacob Miller, MD

Photo of Dr. Miller at St. Louis Children's Hospital with text overlay that reads "From Fellow to Faculty: Jacob Miller, MD"

Washington University pediatric cardiothoracic surgeon Jacob Miller, MD, specializes in the surgical treatment of congenital heart and lung conditions at St. Louis Children’s Hospital. Miller joins the faculty after completing world-class surgical training at the School of Medicine.

Pawale Named Surgical Director of Heart Transplantation

Photo of Dr. Pawale with text that reads "WashU Surgery Welcomes Amit Pawale, MD. Pawale named Surgical Director of the Heart Transplant, VAD and ECMO Program."

Amit Pawale, MD, joins the department as surgical director of heart transplantation, ventricular assist devices and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.

Beth Jurgensen Retires After 35 Years of Service

Photo of Beth Jorgensen with text overlay that reads "Beth Jorgensen retires after 35 years of service"

Ambulatory coder Beth Jurgensen retires after 35 years at Washington University. She reflects on the many fond memories from throughout her career while looking forward to giving back during retirement.

Brunt Receives Lifetime Achievement Award

Photo of Michael Brunt with his wife Elizabeth Brunt, MD, and their son

Chief of Minimally Invasive Surgery Michael Brunt, MD, received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Barnes-Jewish Medical Staff Association.

Department of Surgery Teaching Awards 2020-2021

The Department of Surgery recognizes residents, fellows and faculty for their contributions to resident and medical student education during the 2020-2021 academic year.

FLS and OSATS Training at WISE

General surgery residents in the WISE Center practicing laparoscopic surgery skills

Surgery residents come to the WISE Center for laparoscopic and suturing skills lab training this summer.