Dr. Hailey Shepherd provides insights on her experience as surgical resident on rotation in Malawi
Surgical Education in Action in an International Setting

Stories about surgical education and trainees, featuring residents, fellows, faculty and training centers.
Dr. Hailey Shepherd provides insights on her experience as surgical resident on rotation in Malawi
Trainees compete in laparoscopic skills showdown at WISE.
General surgery residents at WashU Medicine have several opportunities for global surgery experiences during their training.
Congratulations to the Department of Surgery SAFE accolade recipients
Currie receives Rising Star Award, faculty are inducted into Academy of Educators.
General surgery resident receives prestigious award from American College of Surgeons.
Faculty and residents receive awards for excellence in medical student education.
Rossetti, Shepherd and Roberts named winners at 23rd Samuel A, Wells, Jr. Research Day
General surgery resident recognized for outstanding work in cancer research, invited to AHPBA 2024 Annual Meeting
Accomplished transplant surgeon and surgical educator to lead training program in 2024.
Faculty and trainees in the Department of Surgery at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis utilize novel perfusion technology to advance surgical care.
Leading efforts to elevate surgical education at Washington University School of Medicine.
Will Gerull, MD, selected for competitive grant to pursue research on surgical simulation and education as incoming WISE fellow.
Congratulations to our 2023 general surgery residency graduates!
Congratulations to our 2023 plastic and reconstructive surgery residency and fellowship graduates!
Accomplished surgeon and educator to oversee training programs.
Two general surgery residents recently received international research fellowships. These highly competitive fellowships will support the residents during their lab time.
Renowned surgical educator to lead national organization.
Recipient of Pearson Fellowship to study approaches to lung transplant and benign esophageal disease at Washington University.
Center for Collaborative Care Decisions’ inaugural bootcamp attracts international audience to address shared decision making.
ACS-AEI fellow Tiffany Brocke, MD, seeks to advance surgical education for the next generation of trainees.
We asked some of our current interns what they are most excited to do or accomplish this academic year.
General Surgery Residency Program Director Paul Wise selected to APDS executive committee.
Department of Surgery faculty and staff participate in training for residency and fellowship leaders.
John R. Caulk Visiting Professor Gerald Andriole, MD, and Justin J. Cordonnier Visiting Professor Mohammad Allaf, MD, visit the Division of Urology.
Congratulations to graduating urology residents and fellows from the class of 2022.
Visiting professor and research presentations honor legacy of plastic surgery chair.
Eberlein delivers a reflection on the future of surgery and residents present annual awards.
General surgery residents volunteered with Surgical Outreach for the Americas to help patients in El Salvador.
Four finalists presented research at 2022 Samuel A. Wells, Jr., Research Day Competition and two winners were selected by faculty vote
Members of the Department of Surgery had a successful showing at Surgical Education Week (SEW) 2022. Alongside several research presentations, residents and staff were honored with awards and grants from surgical education organizations.
Washington University welcomes Horacio Asbun, MD, for the 19th Annual Eugene M. Bricker Visiting Lecture in Surgery.
General surgery resident Corbin Frye, MD, won the SAGES Top Gun competition for the second year in a row. Frye and his fellow residents hone laparoscopic skills at the Washington University Institute for Surgical Education.
General surgery residents at the Washington University Institute for Surgical Education get hands-on experience with the latest innovations in surgical technology during an introduction to robotic surgery training course.
Washington University pediatric cardiothoracic surgeons and fellows tackle rare heart defects in virtual simulation program.
At the 2020-2021 Distinguished Service Teaching Awards, three members of the department were recognized for their contributions to medical student education.
Washington University urologic surgeons embrace leading-edge robotic techniques to advance clinical care.
Washington University surgery faculty and trainees are evaluating a new virtual reality laparoscopic skills simulator at the WISE Center.
Residency applicants need to know the fit of a program’s research education to their interests and needs. Ryan C. Fields, MD, the Director of Resident Research for the General Surgery Residency Program at Washington University, explains why WashU is an ideal location for research in surgery.
Get to know residents Brendan Heiden and Jason Gauthier in the General Surgery residency program, why they chose Washington University School of Medicine for their surgical training and what it’s like to be a resident in St. Louis.
he expertise and advice provided by our attending physicians and surgeons are integral to the development of our residents. We asked those in the General Surgery Residency about the best advice they received from attendings during their time at Washington University.
Get to know residents Ariana Naaseh and Steven Tohmasi in the General Surgery residency program, why they chose Washington University School of Medicine for their surgical training and what it’s like to be a resident in St. Louis.
We ask our physicians in General Surgery Residency to tell us some of their favorite aspects about St. Louis as well as their favorite places to visit.
Get to know residents Annie Hess and Robert MacGregor in the General Surgery residency program, why they chose Washington University School of Medicine for their surgical training and what it’s like to be a resident in St. Louis.
WashU General Surgery resident Connor Callahan, MD, MSc, trained as the Congenital Heart Surgeons’ Society John W. Kirklin-David Ashburn Fellow in Toronto.
Get to know residents Will Gerull and Angela Lee in the General Surgery residency program, why they chose Washington University School of Medicine for their surgical training and what it’s like to be a resident in St. Louis.
Get to know residents Zhiyi Liu and Hailey Shepherd in the General Surgery residency program, why they chose Washington University School of Medicine for their surgical training and what it’s like to be a resident in St. Louis.
Celebrating health literacy this October comes with two initiatives: to increase personal literacy and improve organizational literacy. Patient health literacy and education are important goals for those seeking medical treatment, and hospital programs can encourage the familiarity of patients with the language of health. Organizations are also responsible for providing accessible, understandable information to their patients.
Colorectal screening, diagnosis and treatment are integral parts of overall health, but obstacles related to patient comfort can prevent effective medical intervention for colorectal illness. Having a diverse, accessible department of colorectal surgeons reassures patients and advances the optimal benefits for their colorectal health.
Get to know residents William Chapman and Brad Krasnick in the General Surgery residency program, why they chose Washington University School of Medicine for their surgical training and what it’s like to be a resident in St. Louis.