General surgery resident recognized for outstanding work in cancer research, invited to AHPBA 2024 Annual Meeting
Hill Receives AHPBA Steve Sotsky Award

General surgery resident recognized for outstanding work in cancer research, invited to AHPBA 2024 Annual Meeting
Susan Mackinnon, MD is recognized for her contribution to nerve surgery, pioneering revolutionary nerve transfer procedure.
Accomplished transplant surgeon and surgical educator to lead training program in 2024.
General surgery resident recognized by American Association for Thoracic Surgery lung transplant research.
Shaina Eckhouse received the award for her leadership in patient-oriented minimally invasive surgery.
Two general surgery residents recently received international research fellowships. These highly competitive fellowships will support the residents during their lab time.
Washington University breast cancer specialist honored in memory of renowned surgical oncologist.
Minimally invasive bariatric surgeon reaches personal milestone and continues life-changing surgical work at Washington University.
Leading transplant surgeon Maria B. Majella Doyle, MD, MBA, receives international recognition as an RCSI Honorary Fellow.
Pioneer in peripheral nerve surgery recognized at annual meeting.
Distinguished endowed chair recognizes Doyle’s vital role in transplant surgery.
Historic Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery to host 70th Annual Meeting.
Kelly Currie, MD, and McKenna Buchheit (Roberts), PA, participated in Christian Hospital’s women’s health seminar.
General surgery residents volunteered with Surgical Outreach for the Americas to help patients in El Salvador.
Puja Kachroo, MD, has been named surgical director of the Center for Diseases of the Thoracic Aorta at Washington University School of Medicine and Barnes-Jewish Hospital. Kachroo is a leading expert in aortic disease and cardiac surgery.
Colorectal screening, diagnosis and treatment are integral parts of overall health, but obstacles related to patient comfort can prevent effective medical intervention for colorectal illness. Having a diverse, accessible department of colorectal surgeons reassures patients and advances the optimal benefits for their colorectal health.
Inaugural Simulation and Education Fellow Eileen Smith, MD, presents research at Surgical Simulation Summit.
Kerri Ohman, MD, who joined the Section of Colon and Rectal Surgery in 2020 as an Assistant Professor of Surgery, shares her journey of becoming a colorectal surgeon and explains why she likes working at Washington University .
Yin Cao, ScD, MPH, is researching the troubling rise of early-onset colorectal cancer. In a series of publications, Cao’s research points to risk factors for the condition and offers some methods of prevention and improved screening.
Bariatric surgeon Francesca Dimou, MD, MS, helps people achieve their goals with weight loss surgery. Dimou describes the transformative process, offers advice and shares the story of her surgical training.
Kelly Currie, MD, Assistant Professor of Surgery in the Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, answers some of the most frequently asked questions about the WALANT technique for hand surgery.
Erica Traxel, MD, Associate Professor of Urologic Surgery and Director of the Urologic Surgery Residency Program, was among 26 fellows inducted into Washington University’s Academy of Educators in 2020.
Research shows that the role of women in urology is growing rapidly, but there is still work to be done to ensure equity and access to opportunities. Erica Traxel, MD, Director of the Urologic Surgery Residency Program, and women in the residency program share their experiences at the School of Medicine.
Get to know the residents in the Department of Surgery’s residency programs, and why they chose Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis for their surgical training.
Get to know the residents in the Department of Surgery’s residency programs, and why they chose Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis for their surgical training.
Get to know the residents in the Department of Surgery’s residency programs, and why they chose Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis for their surgical training.
Shaina Eckhouse, MD, works in collaboration with Barnes-Jewish Hospital, the Healthy Start Clinic at St. Louis Children’s Hospital and fellow surgeons at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis to treat adolescent patients with bariatric surgery.
Peggy Pearle, MD, PhD, visits the School of Medicine from University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center for the Division of Urology’s annual John R. Caulk Visiting Professorship.
Ida Fox, MD, takes a biopsychosocial approach to medicine, helping people with spinal cord injuries regain hand function.
Amy Cyr, MD, is wholly committed to helping women understand their risk for breast cancer and what they can do about it.
Mary E. Klingensmith, MD, the Mary Culver Distinguished Professor and Vice Chair for Education in the Department of Surgery at the School of Medicine, has been named a Vice President of the American Board of Surgery. This follows Klingensmith’s years of leadership in the ABS and the Surgical Council on Resident Education.