Whitney S. Brandt, MD

Whitney S. Brandt, MD

Assistant Professor of Surgery

Section of Thoracic Surgery
Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery

Alexander A. Brescia, MD, MSc

Alexander A. Brescia, MD, MSc

Assistant Professor of Surgery

Section of Cardiac Surgery
Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery

Ralph James Damiano Jr., MD

Ralph James Damiano Jr., MD

Evarts A. Graham Professor of Surgery
Chief, Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery

Pirooz Eghtesady, MD, PhD

Pirooz Eghtesady, MD, PhD

Emerson Chair in Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery at St. Louis Children’s Hospital
Chief, Section of Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery
Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery
Cardiothoracic Surgeon-in-Chief, St. Louis Children's Hospital

Mathieu Garand, PhD

Mathieu Garand, PhD

Instructor of Surgery

Section of Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery
Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery

Andrew E. Gelman, PhD

Andrew E. Gelman, PhD

Professor of Surgery

Jacqueline G. and William E. Maritz Endowed Chair in Immunology and Oncology
Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery

Mohsen Ibrahim, MD, PhD

Mohsen Ibrahim, MD, PhD

Instructor of Surgery

Section of Thoracic Surgery
Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery

Puja Kachroo, MD

Puja Kachroo, MD

Associate Professor of Surgery

Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery

Tsuyoshi Kaneko, MD

Tsuyoshi Kaneko, MD

John M. Shoenberg Chair of Cardiovascular Disease

Chief, Section of Cardiac Surgery
Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery

Kunal Kotkar, MD

Kunal Kotkar, MD

Assistant Professor of Surgery
Section of Cardiac Surgery
Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery

Benjamin D. Kozower, MD, MPH

Benjamin D. Kozower, MD, MPH

Professor of Surgery
Section of Thoracic Surgery
Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery

Vice-Chair for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety

Daniel Kreisel, MD, PhD

Daniel Kreisel, MD, PhD

Professor of Surgery, Pathology & Immunology

Section of Thoracic Surgery
Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery
Surgical Director, Lung Transplant Program

Muhammad Faraz Masood, MD

Muhammad Faraz Masood, MD

Associate Professor of Surgery

Section of Cardiac Surgery
Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery

Bryan F. Meyers, MD, MPH

Bryan F. Meyers, MD, MPH

Patrick and Joy Williamson Professor of Surgery

Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery

Jacob R. Miller, MD

Jacob R. Miller, MD

Assistant Professor of Surgery

Nabil A. Munfakh, MD

Nabil A. Munfakh, MD

Professor of Surgery
Section of Cardiac Surgery
Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery

Takashi Murashita, MD

Takashi Murashita, MD

Assistant Professor of Surgery

Section of Cardiac Surgery
Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery

Dilip Nath, MD

Dilip Nath, MD

Associate Professor of Surgery

Section of Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery
Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery


Ruben G. Nava Bahena, MD

Ruben G. Nava Bahena, MD

Associate Professor of Surgery
Section of Thoracic Surgery
Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery

Michael K. Pasque, MD

Michael K. Pasque, MD

Professor of Surgery

Section of Cardiac Surgery
Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery

G. Alexander Patterson, MD

G. Alexander Patterson, MD

Joseph Bancroft Professor of Surgery

Section of Thoracic Surgery
Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery

Amit A Pawale, MBBS, FRCS, FACS

Amit A Pawale, MBBS, FRCS, FACS

Associate Professor of Surgery
Section of Cardiac Surgery
Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery

Varun Puri, MD, MSCI

Varun Puri, MD, MSCI

Professor of Surgery

Chief, Section of Thoracic Surgery
Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery
Associate Program Director, Cardiothoracic Surgery Residency Program

Shuddhadeb Ray, MD, MPHS

Shuddhadeb Ray, MD, MPHS

Assistant Professor of Surgery

Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery

Harold G. Roberts, Jr., MD

Harold G. Roberts, Jr., MD

Associate Professor of Surgery

Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery

Matthew R. Schill, MD

Matthew R. Schill, MD

Instructor of Surgery

Section of Cardiac Surgery
Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery

Christian W. Zemlin, PhD, MSc

Christian W. Zemlin, PhD, MSc

Associate Professor of Surgery & Biomedical Engineering

Director, Cardiac Surgical Research Laboratory

Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery